Killing me softly (why is wireless radiation so harmful?)

Killing me softly (why is wireless radiation so harmful?)

December 11, 20194 min read

Cell phone towers have become a very common site in modern cities as cell phone companies have worked tirelessly to expand their networks. Each tower is constantly emitting radio frequency radiation (RFR) which can cause health issues. Sadly the amount of wireless radiation that is safe for people to be exposed to is not well known as studies have not kept pace with our explosive technological growth.

Recently the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced that the commission will continue mandating the radio frequency radiation (RFR) exposure limits adopted by the FCC in the late 1990s. The problem here is twofold. First these exposure limits were based upon behavioural changes in rats that were exposed to microwave radiation and were not designed to test for health impacts in humans of RFR. Second, the tests were designed to track health problems was based around the assumption that the problems would be related to short-term heating risks and not long-term blanket exposure to wireless radiation.

Moving beyond the flawed testing methodology that established these limits we must next look toward how technology has moved forward. We now have considerable evidence that 2G and 3G technologies have multiple harmful effects due to studies of RFR. In 2011, the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) formally classified RFR as "possibly carcinogenic to humans". A recent study by the U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP) noted clear evidence that two years of exposure to cell phone RFR increased the risks for cancer and damaged the DNA in rats and mice. This $30 million study’s findings were later replicated by the Ramazzini Institute in Italy using a different carrier frequency and with a much weaker exposure to wireless radiation. The results were clear - increased risk of cancer and damage to the rats’ DNA.

Despite 4G technology being in use for over 10 years, very little studies have been done to determine its health impact on the general population. However, every year doctors are seeing increases in head and neck tumours in the population consistent with the results of studies for tumour risk in heavy cell phone users. The reality that heavy cell phone use increases the risk of brain tumours has served to be an early warning of the dangers of broadcasting so much RFR that sadly has been ignored.

Now we stand on the cusp of becoming 5G-ready the problem is becoming far more dire. 5G towers will not be replacing older 4G towers. Instead more towers will be built as the range of 5G is often only 100 to 200 meters in cities with a max range of barely 1000 feet. 4G can have a maximum range of almost 10 miles, meaning far more towers will need to be placed. The health effects of 5G radiation are unknown, and the synergistic effects from simultaneous exposure to multiple types of RFR similarly is unknown. It is projected that the overall risk of harm from RFR may increase substantially due to both the increase in number of towers, as well as the increase in types of wireless radiation bombarding our bodies. Scientists around the world warn that the major risks include cancer, neurological disorders, DNA damage, oxidative stress, lowering of immunity and reproductive harm.

Today we need to call for immediate further studies into the health impacts of both 4G as well as 5G technologies. Without these studies we may be dooming millions of people to death, infertility, or a lifetime of neurological problems. As 5G is due to be rolled out inside cities first, especially ones with high population density, this could be catastrophic in the long term. When 5G is installed it does not replace older 4G technology. Cell phone towers placed every 100-200 meters will be broadcasting 5G in addition to 4G, and potentially 3G and 2G signals constantly. This will definitely contribute to an increase in the overall ambient radiation levels. Hence, we urge our readers to support the recommendations of the 250 scientists and medical doctors who signed a 5G Appeal requesting a moratorium on the deployment of 5G until further research has been done on the health impacts as well as and demand research be funded to develop biologically based exposure limits to protect the health and safety of our families. The world health bodies often take years to recognise the dangers of emerging technologies such as with the health dangers of tobacco and asbestos.

Until then, take prudent steps to protect yourself and your families.

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