Science behind blocking out radiation - what really works and what doesn’t?

Science behind blocking out radiation - what really works and what doesn’t?

December 11, 20193 min read

To help you understand what works and what does not, we offer the following lists of things you can do to block out radiation, and which items to avoid.

1. Distance does matter. The closer you are to the source, the worse your exposure to wireless radiation. Conversely, the further you are away from the source, the less you will be impacted by the radiation it emits. Start by identifying all of the wireless devices you are around on a daily basis. From there try and create as much distance from them as possible or turn them off when not in use. For instance, on your mobile phone there are several settings for GPS, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi. By deactivating them when not needed you will reduce the amount of wireless radiation your phone is putting out. Even by simply placing it on your desk vs leaving it in your pocket will have an impact on the amount of radiation you absorb throughout the day.

2. Next ask yourself does this device need to be on, and if so, does it need to be wireless? Wherever possible run ethernet or other cabling to the device. Wired speakers, a cable keyboard and mouse all limit sources of EMF radiation. Cable as much as possible. Mobile phones, and iPads can also be run off an ethernet cable in order to further lower exposure to wireless radiation. If you have a wireless router and can use an ethernet option, do so. Additionally, if your wireless router has a physical on/off button for wireless you can turn it off when it is not in use. By removing these broadcast signals, you can directly reduce your daily exposure to wireless radiation.

3. EMF blocking materials. Many products currently offered are able to block wireless radiation. Shielding has been around for a very long time. For example, LAN cables, electrical wire, and even MRI rooms are all shielded to minimise the EMF radiation in the area. Lead is commonly used to shield against X-rays. For wireless radiation, any metallic element can be used to shield you against it, such as when you place your phone in a metal box all signal will be cut off. Products made with metal such as EMF blocking paint, shielding fabrics for curtains, blankets, canopies, EMF shielding windows, or body blankets can work to directly reduce your exposure to harmful radiation.

Things that do not work

1. Stickers. A recent trend of stickers that claim to reduce wireless radiation has emerged. Sadly, these stickers do not work. This can be easily tested with the aid of a good microwave detection device. By measuring with the sticker on and off, you can clearly show that the sticker itself does not change the amount of microwave energy emitted by the device.

2. Devices that claim to generate good negative ions and cancel EMF. While the benefits of negative ions may be true in other cases, in terms of canceling out microwave radiation they do not offer any benefit. Once again you can use a microwave detector to verify the amount of microwave radiation put out by your home devices in the area are not reduced by the presence of a negative ion generator. These devices simply cannot cancel EMF or wireless radiation. While some devices claim to give off good resonant frequencies unfortunately these low frequencies cannot compensate for the high frequency of wireless radiation.

3. Crystals, stones, pendants, or charms. Despite being available in a variety of colours, materials, and stone types decorative jewelry sadly cannot protect against EMF or other wireless radiation. Using a microwave detector to measure the amount of EMF or other wireless radiation both with, and without the item present will show that adding in a beautiful piece of jewelry may look good, but will not change the test equipment readings at all.

Read more: How to protect your home / office against wireless radiation

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